Thursday, February 12, 2009

Comics: 1985, X-Infernus # 3 and Batman

Some comic books that came out this week that I really really like.

Again, if you like what you see, buy the real thing okey? If not, PLEASE BUY A TRADE PAPER BACK....

X-Infernus # 3

(Will write a review about this on my multiply site....)

Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Mercury, Rockslide and Pixie are in a mission to recover Peter's sister, Ilyanna from the clutches of Amanda Sefton.

Wolverine goes full berserker, and in this issue, SOMEBODY DIES. (Or atleast gets stabbed)

Download Here: (Cut and Paste)

Credits to the Original Scanners. XD

Batman # 868

(Written by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert)

Its Batman with a dash of Sandman the Endless.

Its so trippy yet good. Can't wait for Batman: Battle for the Cowl # 1

(Incidentally, Nightwing just ended this week. Its a dead giveaway that Dick will replace Bruce as the Batman... More on the that in the coming months.)

Download Here: (Cut and Paste)

Credits to the Original Scanners. XD

Marvel 1985 # 1

What if the Marvel Universe entered our own reality. What the hell would happen? Will the villains stick to an unwritten law or will they just kill for their petty gains?

This issue written by Mark Millar delves into that question. Plus according to some sources, there will be ties between this, Old Man Logan and Millar's Fantastic Four run.

Download Here: (Cut and Paste)

Credits to the Original Scanners. XD

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