Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Review: The Spy Next Door

Starring: Jackie Chan

Caught this recently and I must say that this was mediocre. As a fan of Oriental movies (even those produced by Golden Harvest) I have to give this movie my thumbs down.

The story revolves around Jackie Chan playing the role of Bob. A mild mannered Chinese guy engaged to his next door neighbor. The plot moves on after his retirement from the secret agent business in order to prepare for his engagement. Hilarity (or lack thereof) ensues when his girlfriend leaves him in charge with her kids and their pets. Bob must now learn how to deal and cope with these kids and understand their wants and needs. He also fends for the kids and his life when Bob is targetted by a group of (uncool) Russian criminals.

Jackie Chan is Jackie Chan. No matter what happens he will always be great in wacky kung fu antics and for inspiring the Tekken character Lei Wu Long. But his performance his was kindaaaa dry. For crying out loud he had to wear glasses just to look meek. But check out his other non-Hollywood movies and you’ll know that Jackie Chan without the glasses still looks meek and mild mannered. So the glasses was a bad call.

Some of the cast where forgettable, however, Enzo did spot the guy who played Taylor Swift’s boyfriend for the music video “You Belong To Me”. He played the role of Larry. And who could forget the little girl who initially wanted to become a princess but later wanted to be a cyborg? She was awfully cute.

We were having dinner when we watched this and we barely moved on past the fact that the movie reminded us so much of Vin Diesel’s cute but often frowned upon “The Pacifier”. We even managed to substitute the boy’s role as that of the boy who played the Nazi in the Sound of Music over in the Pacifier. Nods or not, comparisons to that movie can never be helped.

Overall, I would recommend just getting the movie on DVD instead.

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