And to say farewell to the great team (Second only to Abnett and Lanning) I'm doing a mega-post for this gorgeous series which was done by painter extraordinaire Gabrielle Del'Otto...

If you think about it, Wolverine always goes about saying he's the best he is at what he does. Maybe this is what he truly means...

Look at that Wolverine sex face at the bottom panel. Classic!!!!!

Does coloring the damn splash page make it look cooler? or blander?

For this page however, the red tones looks really great. And oh goody, Domino's lying in a bed full of money. Wicked!

And then all hell breaks loose. Now the next issue promises more gratuitous violence and lethal maiming if need be...

Oh and look, aside from bad ass heroes and vicious looking villains, were also seeing crimson clad ninjas! YAY! (The last sentence seemed like a text coming from a preschooler's book.)
Pick up X-Force: Sex and Violence # 3 out in September...
You might also want to get other X-Force related books such as:
1 comment:
i'm gonna miss this, it's the series that officially brought me back to comic collecting. hopefully the uncanny x-force would be good..
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